A middle-aged masturbatrix. • At a French sea-port. • Mrs. C**p**n. • Introduced. • Her voluptuous looks. • “Where do you garter?” • A kiss on the stairs. • In her bed-room. • Frank impudicity. • Not quite a gamahuche. • What’s her little game? • Mutual masturbation. • Her maid. • “You won’t do it now.” • Both naked. • My reflections about her behaviour. • Our second amusements. • Masturbation resumed. • Her taste for it. • Her half promise not kept. • Her sudden departure. • At F**r***e. • A moral Valet-de-place. • An immoral one. • A female establishment. • Maria alone. • With Maria and Antonia. • With Francesca. • With the three sisters together. • Frolics voluptuous, salacious, libidinous. • Empty testicles.
Toward the end of September I was in an hotel at a great seaport in the south of France, and at the table d’hote, sat next to a fine, hazel-eyed, dark chestnut-haired woman, who looked full five and thirty. I got acquainted with her, a friend of mine introducing her to me as Mrs. C**p**n. He left the same day and I could ask him no more questions about her. She was travel-ling with a maid, and said she was the wife of an officer whose regiment she named, and who was coming home from the East. — She had come to meet him on landing, but when he might arrive was uncertain. We seemed to take a great liking for each other, and of course it occurred to me, that she would make a good temporary bedfellow. I saw her ankle and a bit higher as she sat down. The foot was beautiful, the swell of the calve enticing, and I fancied she let more of it be seen than was needful. — Point blank after dinner the next day I praised it to her. She stared me full in the face a long time in a peculiar way, and said I had no business to look, but there was something in her eyes, which made me say to myself, “That woman’s dying for a man.” Her husband had been away three years, according to her account.
I tried the same devices by which I have succeeded with others. They are monotonous in their sameness, but they come instinctively, and I found them fit most cases. — They are best made when the stomach is warmed by a good meal, for then little by little, a woman helps you if she be sensuous. The pleasure you give by words or hints, stirs up her latent lewedness, and she returns them by little facilities leading to the desired end; for tho cunning in these particulars, she is not able quite to stifle and conceal her desires. She lets you see by her chaff that she understands you, and instinct leads both gradually to the grand end of it all — copulation — Mrs. C**p**n’s lovely ankle was the beginning of my talk. “You have a superb form,” — (She was magnificent but very ample in bulk.) “I know” — said I that evening after dinner when sitting in the twilight, “but you make that lovely leg by gartering below knee, which pushes the calve out.” — “No, above.” — I’m sure it’s below.” — “No, above, won’t you take my word.” — “I won’t — convince me.” — “How?” She looked hard at me. “Think of a way, I know one, let me try.” — Go along,” said she, rising up and laughing, but looking so randy.
The next day at luncheon I spoke of her long celibacy. — Didn’t she wish her husband back. — Of course she did. — “Especially at night?” — “At all times,” said she, seeming not to understand me. — “At all times? Why, you’d want two husbands.” — So we joked on. The same night I kissed her. — “Let me,” said I in a whisper and not another word but that. — “Let you — Oh — Oh.” There was not further coquetry or sham of not understanding me, in order to force a plainer spoken demand, as women sometimes do. — “Impossible” — said she — “Is it quite?” — “Quite” — “Let’s talk about it a bit.” — “You rude fellow, what would your wife say if I told her. ” — “I haven’t one.” — “Your mistress.” — “I haven’t one.” — “No?” — “No. I find a kind friend everywhere.” — “Oh, you rake,” — I kissed her again, she was then going to her room (it was now quite dusk), on an angle of a large landing of the staircase. — “The servants will see you, don’t.” — We went up another flight, and again I kissed. — “Don’t, my maid is waiting.” — “Kiss me then.” — “There,” said she, kissing me, “It’s the first and the last.” I clutched her to me whispering. — “You don’t garter above knee” — “I do.” — “I’ll feel,” and suited the action to the word. “You rude man, — hush! — there is my maid, — don’t,” — but I had felt the garter and flesh above it before she retreated her legs; then fearful of compromising her I ceased. She went demurely into her corridor. — “I’m longing for you,” said I as we parted. — “Hish” — and the swing doors across the corridor closed between us.
My room was on the next floor. I did not go up to it then, but as I heard her footsteps dying away in the corridor, followed her at a distance. — She went into her bed-room. I saw no servant open the door, so went to her door, listened, and heard nothing but the clatter like that of a pisspot put back on the shelf. Just then in the distance, the porter began lighting the gas in the corridor at its extreme end, and it occurred to me that her maid must be having her supper, as they do at hotels after the evening table d’hote, and I knocked at her door. She opened it and I slipped in like lightning. — “You?” said she astonished — “Go away — go.” — “Wait till the lamplighter has gone,” said I, shutting the door. It won’t do for him to see me go out from here.”
The room was darkish. — “Oh that garter — let me feel it again.” — “I won’t, the lamplighter must have gone, — You go now.” — “But the people will be coming up to their rooms now it’s dark — let us.” — I locked the door, and hugged her. — “How foolish of you to expect me to let you, if that’s what you are here for?” — “Yes and don’t mean to go till I’ve had you.” — “Hisheee, said she, hisheee. — don’t speak so loud, there are people in the next room.” But I noticed there was no door connecting her room with those adjoining it.
My arm was next minute round her neck, I was kissing her, was beside her on the sofa, felt her garter, her thigh and with a bold push now her cunt. — “You’ve just piddled” said I. “Yes I have, — now go away, aren’t you satisfied, yet?” — With a gentle push she dislodged my hand, rose from the sofa, and went to the door. — Did she intend me to go — to get away from her own weakness, or to give me a better chance still? — I have always thought that she really wanted me to go, that it was the last struggle against her lewedness.
— “Go now, do” — “I won’t.” — “My maid will be coming.” — “Say you are in bed and don’t want her.” — “What will she think?” — “Nothing” — and then was a long pause.
Putting my arms round her, I pulled her to the bed without her resisting at all, and sat her on the edge, and myself by the side of her. — “Let’s fuck you, I’m sure you’ve a lovely cunt.” I find that I always compliment women that way under similar circumstances. “You rude fellow.” I pushed her back on the bed, quickly fell on my knees — pushed her clothes up, and had my mouth on her motte and kissed it, before she could recover her perpendicular. Then puffing her legs open by grasping each calve, and lifting them, I kept her on her back. Lower and lower down I now burrowed my head between her thighs, till my mouth was on her cunt, and I was sniffling and revelling in the warmth and aroma. — She didn’t struggle now, she was overcome by lewedness.
But I did not gamahuche her, tho I think her thighs opened with an invitation that way, when my mouth was there. I rarely did anything of the sort. And when I had kissed, felt, and smelt all about her haunches and navel, I pulled out my prick and rising shewed it her, but it was dark nearly. “Feel it love. — Feel it.” — “Don’t now, pray” said she, rising up but laying tight hold of it. — “Let me fuck you” “I won’t, I dare not,” said she resolutely. “Be content.” She resisted my pushing her back again, but still kept tight hold of my prick, so I frigged her clitoris delicately, kissing her all the while. She will let me, I thought, if I frig her well, for I know how voluptuously helpless a woman becomes at last by frigging, how as her pleasure comes on, the cunt yearns for a prick stretching, and for sperm. She breathed hard, feeling my prick convulsively. — “Get on the bed dear,” said I, lifting her left leg up easily and still frigging. — She would not get on the bed but leant against my shoulder as I held her.
It was now quite dark, I could just see the whiteness of part of her fleshy thighs, but her clothes dropped over my frigging hand and hid her cunt, her head lay on my shoulder, my left arm was round her waist. — “Oho — Oho” — she sighed, I’m — coming — kiss me.” She pushed her mouth towards mine, her left leg came off the bed, her thighs opened, and quivered. — I felt my own pleasure rising, she knew it and frigged me quicker, and I spent over her whilst she sobbed out — “Kiss — me — k — k — iss — me — ah —” and spent as well. I had pushed my fingers up and all over her cunt, when I felt I was coming, and cried, “Don’t, let’s f — fuck.” — But it was too late, we had frigged each other. Then we were quiet, I still holding her, my fingers outside her wet cunt, she keeping firm of my prick, from which the sperm was still gently running, and dropping on to her thighs, legs or dress.
“Why didn’t you let me fuck you,” said I angrily. “We have spoiled our pleasures.” — “Oh, you rude man, — I told you I wouldn’t” — “My spunk’s over your thighs, or your dress somewhere.” — “You rude man, go away and I’ll see to it.” — “I won’t go, I mean to fuck you.” — “You mustn’t.” — My anger over, I tried coaxing but a knock came. — “Who is that?” she cried. — “Me, ma’am.” — It was the maid. A pause. — “I’ve gone to bed and shan’t want you to-night.” — Off the woman went.
Further parley was useless, and feeling the lucifer box, I struck a light. — She rushed to the window and drew down the blind. We looked at each other, and she smiled.
Said I, “Such a thing never occurred in my life before, to be with a beautiful woman, and be frigged, in-stead of fucking her, — Look at your dress, my seed is on it.” — “Are you going?” said she. — “No, not till I’ve seen all your charms, and I’ve fucked you. — “You must not do that,” said she composedly but pleasantly, “for I am frightened.” Finding that I would stay, she took off her dress and sponged away the signs of my pleasure, quite unconcerned in manner whilst doing it. Then I began spooning, and playing with her what are stupidly called indecent familiarities, as if anything can be indecent between a man and woman, when they are alone, and like what they do.
It was about half-past eight or nine. The frigging and the preliminaries, from the time I entered her room, had scarcely taken longer than it takes to write this. We must have both been awfully randy and full of our juices for the frigging was soon over. — Now I wanted it almost as badly as ever. Her lovely naked arms, and plump legs, now showing, her dress being off, whetted my appetite. I sat down on the sofa, she did the same unasked, and let me do what I liked without her saying a word, I felt her breasts, thighs, and quim. We kissed, our tongues met, and our mouths joined in moisture. She laid hold of my prick. “I do want it so,” I said, frigging her again. “Don’t you.” “Yes, but we mustn’t do that.” — Then her bum got restless, I heard a sigh, it looked very much as if we were going to repeat the double masturbation, which was very nice, but I wanted more. — “Let me see you naked, for I won’t go on frigging on the sofa,” said I. — No, she was quite undressed enough, she replied.
I insisted, warmed her, and pulled up her petticoats to look. — “Do let me see you naked for you must be beautiful.” — “I won’t be quite naked,” said she, but she stripped to her chemise, then standing up, she let me look at her all over, lifting her chemise from part to part. — “But your cunt, let me see it.” — Without a word she laid placidly down on the side of the bed, opened her thighs, and let me see it. — It was a full-lipped, middle-aged, hairy one, but voluptuous looking. My prick was stiff.
Getting her as I thought off her guard, I pressed my body over hers, holding her round the haunches, and trusting to my rigid tool to find its entrance, I shoved vigorously, and struck the cunt somewhere: but momentarily only, for she struggled up.
“It’s of no use your trying,” said she, for you shan’t.” — “Well, let’s talk, and lie down together.” — She laid down on the bed. I thought to myself if I can only mount you, you’ll be fucked as surely as you’ll shit before this day fortnight, so I stripped to my shirt, and got on to the bed to her, and as quietly as if we had been man and wife, we laid for a minute. — “Now don’t be nonsensical any more,” said I. —”You want it, what’s the good of humbugging so?” — I don’t think she answered at all but laid still, and I thought she was only coquetting with me.
I tried to mount her. We had been laying on our sides, but belly to belly so closely, that my prick almost touched her motte. I had drawn one of her thighs up over mine, her cunt was opened by the attitude and within a few inches of my balls. I was fingering it from behind, my hand and arm twisted over her bum, but her legs closed together when I tried to turn her on her back. Then she laid hold of my prick again. — Has she got anything the matter with her? thought I for a moment — Nonsense! it’s only a female whim, a sham. So taking my hand from her bum side, I put my fin-gers on her clitoris and frigged again, hoping to get my aim by that help. — Our bodies were so close together, that I could not frig well. Gradually we separated more. I pulled up her chemise to her breasts, kissed her cunt and then resumed my work. — She turned then on to her back. — I was on my side, and then she clutched my prick and frigged me. — “Don’t,” said I, ceasing my fingering — “Go on, said she, do it to me
— don’t stop” and with heaves of her arse, she cried out. — “Oh — I’ m— coming, — kiss me.” — She spent again, and by Jove I was near spending, for she frigged on, till by an effort of will I dragged my prick from her hand.
More angry than before. — “What is the matter with you,” I said. — “You must not do that.” — “Are you poorly?” — “Perhaps so,” she answered with a laugh.— That had occurred to me, but I had found no signs of it on my fingers. Then followed a conversation which left me in the belief that she was, or expected to be poorly; and that she would let me fuck her in a day or two. — Without using a lewed word, she talked quite freely. She liked being frigged she said when I questioned her. After a time I frigged her again, but she would feel me when having her pleasure, and tho for a time I resolutely prevented myself, by taking away her hand when I felt pleasure increasing, yet it ended in my letting her do it to me — and this time she leant upon one elbow to operate. She had done spending her- self. — “I like doing it,” said she, “let me.” — “You’ll let me fuck when your poorliness is over if I do.” — “I will see about that,” and I left her with that half promise. It was late, and watching my opportunity, I slipped warily out of her room.
When I thought over the matter, I was astonished at myself. I who never liked frigging myself or being frigged, excepting as an occasional whim, or for curiosity about the nature of my spunk, had passed an evening with a fine woman, frigging her, and being frigged. — Not with a gay woman, but with a mature lady, who never uttered a baudy word, indeed scarcely spoke, but who seemed to have but one desire, to frig and be frigged. How she led me on to it — how enticed me I know not — it seems to me now almost incredible — yet I tell exactly as it occurred.
Next day she did not appear. Her maid, a sour looking woman, said she was unwell. — The day following, the lady was fresh, smiling, and lunching by her-self — I asked her to let me go to her room after lunch- eon. — She refused, but I watched her till she went up-stairs, and followed at a distance. — In day-light it was difficult to get to her door without being noticed — but afterwards I saw her servant going down stairs, the corridor was empty and quiet, and I knocked loudly at her door. She had been in her room about a quarter of an hour. “Who’s there,” said she in French. I answered in French in such a manner, that she could not understand who it was or what was wanted. The door then opened slightly and she showed her head. — I pushed myself through violently, nearly upsetting her, and closed the door — she was half- undressed, and was having a nap when I knocked.
“I told you no,” said she angrily. — “Do you want to ruin me, it’s broad daylight, now go, I won’t have you stop.” — I wouldn’t go, her bare arms and breasts and short petticoats delighted me. I pulled out my prick and that quieted her, and she got lewed I suppose. We sat on the bed edge feeling each other. — It’s lovely to have a nice woman fondling one’s cock, but still she would not let me fuck her. — She didn’t want it, her poorliness was coming on, and she made various other excuses, but kept tight hold of my prick. — I went on gently rubbing her clitoris, entreating her, until her backside began to wriggle and then I left off frigging and pulled my prick out of her hand. — “I won’t frig you,” said I — “Nobody asked you,” said she, puffing her clothes down. But her eyes were lewedness itself.
Then I noticed she had a bottle on the table. She is drinking on the sly, thought I. It was a liqueur, we both drank some, I went on talking baudy, she laughing and calling me a rude man. — Again after a while I began feeling her, I could not resist it. — “Come to the bed and lie down — we can enjoy it that way better, even if you won’t let me fuck you.” She took all off but her chemise, I stripped and we laid down, I hoping still to get an insertion when she was excited. She had let me do all this, but her manners were neither lewed, nor bashful, nor forward; they were just as a woman would behave to a husband or lover. — Not a baudy word could I get out of her, and never recollect having a woman so peculiar in manner, when giving way to our passions as we were.
It was great pleasure to have this handsome, large thighed woman by my side, with her cunt open to my fingers, but I determined not to have a repetition of the previous amusement, so frigged her gently, keeping up the lustful irritation, but taking care not quite to satisfy her. Several times her hand sought my cock, but I would not let her hold it. I watched her, saw when she was just about to spend, and then ceased. — “Oh, what a shame to tease me so” — said she, wriggling and jerking her backside, and sighing. — “Why do you do that?” — “Because I want to fuck you.” — “Then you won’t” — said she, sitting up, I told you so, I dare not, and wish you would go, — I tried to force her but it was fruitless. Then I could restrain myself no longer, I seemed to want to frig her, I wanted to give her pleasure so, and to see it, so went on. She clutched my penis with her soft hand, manipulated it voluptuously, and my spunk gushed out over her thighs, just as she spent. Then turning, she kissed me endearingly and we talked. She took no heed of the sperm on her thigh, but let it lay there till I removed it with a towel.
“Be reasonable, said she — I’m just going to be poorly, its just the dangerous time, and I should be sure to get in the family way if you did it, that would be a nice affair for me just now. Wait till next week and I’ll think about it.” If I got a French letter, I asked, would she. — She professed not to know what that was and I had to explain, but she must have been trying to humbug me. No, she would not have any such thing put in her. — My resolution was now gone, I could not forgo the pleasure of a nice soft hand twiddling my prick, nor the pleasure of feeling her soft, satiny cunt. — Besides she let me look at it, it was very handsome, and it was a real, and quite a novel pleasure, to frig a handsome, voluptuous creature, who made no secret of her delight in having it done to her, who kissed me with her tongue and used every blandishment. So I frigged her two or three times more, till her cunt got very wet, but resolved she should not do it to me. Then an extraordinary letch seized me. Wetting her hand with my saliva, mixed with her own spendings, she laid hold of my tool, I laid half on her, grasping her arse as if I was fucking her, and thrust it through her hand, sucking her mouth and fancying as well as I could that it was up her cunt, till I spent.
Did she frig her husband? — Did he do it so to her, I asked. — “No” — she wouldn’t tell, and generally re-plied to similar questions, “Oh you rude fellow.” In fact, out of her I could squeeze no information, but she was delighted at hearing about my intrigues, and amorous tricks; and asked much about the women and the pleasures I took with them. I did not mince my words, and explained all in lascivious language, and then I frigged her. We were all but naked, but some-times she would pull her chemise down as if she had just thought of the exposure, but in minute I would have it up again, and for nearly four hours, we were at this libidinous amusement. The hour of dinner approached, she said she was so tired that she must dine in her room, and she should remain there till her poorliness was over, it was coming on.
Next day I did not expect her, but the day after, not seeing her maid about, I walked past her room. A servant was cleaning it, I peeped in and saw no trunks. “Has Mrs. *** gone to luncheon,” said I. — “The lady who was here left this morning by an early train,” said the man. I never saw her again. In England a year afterwards, I met my friend who had introduced her to me, and found that he only knew her by having been introduced to her. — Of course I never told him of my amusements with her. This is one of the funniest episodes of my travel, indeed of my private life. — A most singular woman that. — Was frigging her passion, what did she do at that seaport, were she and the maid waiting for her husband, and who and what was she?
After that, by the Messageries Imperiale maritime, I went to Italy, and arrived at F**r***e towards the end of September, and found that city sweltering under al-most a midsummer heat. I had not expected this.
When I was at F**r***e I had three sisters, and it is the only time I ever had three, tho a dozen times I have had two sisters. — It was in the middle of the day, a scorching hot day, and a Valet-de-place had been with me to some of the sights of the town. When lust got hold of me very strongly, I resisted it till after lunch-eon, when my food made me more lustful, and I asked him if he could show me a house where I could get a woman.
To my astonishment, he drew himself up, said he was a gentleman, had been a soldier, and that he knew of no such place, that he showed people about the town and nothing more, and pulling out a book, loquaciously wished me to see the testimonials he had received. As I had had no difficulty with Italian valets before in such matters, — I was slightly surprised and annoyed, and told him he need not trouble himself, and that I did not wish to see testimonials. We then went to see a Church, inside of which he turned to me, and said that tho he could do nothing of the sort himself, he being a gentleman, he would find me a man who would. I told him not to bother himself, that I dare to say I could find all I wanted without him. But as we came out in-to the street he beckoned a respectable looking man, spoke with him, and then said to me that the man knew those places, should he leave me. I waited to see if any well- dressed harlot was on the plaza but saw none, so dismissed my valet, and accompanied the other to a quarter, where in a nice looking house, he rang a bell at a first floor door. It was opened by a woman who evidently knew him. I told him not to wait as I would pay my valet for him in the evening, and he left me.
In another minute I was in a handsome room, and a middle-aged woman introduced a lovely Italian woman, dressed in the thinnest summer costume, very decollete, and with arms naked to her armpits. I was in that state of concupiscence that any woman would have satisfied me, so nodding to the mistress who retired, the lady and I sat down on an ample sofa, and without ado I began preliminaries. My finger was on her cunt in a second, and she seeing how matters stood, unbuttoned my trousers, and got hold of my red hot prick, kissing and blandishing me all the time most voluptuously.
How lovely her slightly brown flesh looked against the white chemise, and what a crisp black haired cunt she had. She was easy enough in her ways, raised no objections to my investigations, and I had immense pleasure in pulling her about for a minute or two, opening her cunt, turning her round in various directions, and looking at her on all sides and in all ways. She only spoke Italian. Then I got her to the bed “e molto caldo” said she. “Shall I strip?” It was awfully hot, and how cool, and smooth, and solid, her lovely buttocks felt, as I clasped them on that hot day.
A few thrusts and my prick had throbbed out its sperm. She retired for ablution, returned, and I paid her, which I found was the custom of that house, and prepared to go, for I had reasons for not wishing to be known to remain there long. I had the address which was all I wanted. The mistress spoke French and I talked with her in that language, preferring it to Italian. — Just before leaving she asked if I would have another lady. — Declining that, she shewed me the way out.
But it was thro a room this time that she led me, and there on a sofa was a lovely young creature lying down nearly undressed, tho dressed, and fanning herself. Her beautiful breasts were starting over her loose bodice, the bubbies shewed. Her chemise and dress (both of the thinnest muslin), were raised carelessly so that the flesh of the smallest part of one thigh could be seen, and both legs were clad in white silk, her feet were in delicate satin slippers, and she was the picture of a voluptuous woman, idle with the heat, careless with lewedness of who saw her nudity, and enjoying her own semi-nakedness. As she fanned herself, a hairy arm pit black as coal, was alternately disclosed and hidden. I stood fascinated, she smiled. “There is a lovely Donna,” said the baud. I stood speechless, gazing at her, for she was the personification of lust, refined and elegant.
“How like she is to the other lady,” said I when I found words. “It’s her younger sister,” said the mistress, — “her form is exquisite, look,” and she pulled the girl’s clothes up over the upper most haunch, and gave me just a glimpse of the edge of the black motte. The girl laughed, and pushed them down again smiling at me — but both thighs were now a little exposed just above garters, which were narrow, thin, golden stripes.
I was on fire at once — all the blood in my body seemed rushing into my prick. — “What is your name “cara mia.” — “Maria, Signor,” — I sat myself down on the sofa, rapidly, ran my hand up between her thighs, nodded to the woman who disappeared, and the next instant was kissing Maria’s motte, sniffing at her cunt, and kissing her all over in rapture. — She was the very counterpart of the woman I had just had, tho a little younger, and very slightly smaller, and when I told her so. — “Si, si, si, — e vero.” She said. — “Look here — my mouth, — my nose — my hands are my sister’s.” — “And your cunt?” — “Si, si, e la mona,” and it was so. Tho my lust had only been assuaged a quarter of an hour, — I was all for a feel and a fuck in her. I saw at a glance that the two cunts even were as alike as two peas. Impatient as I was to taste her pleasures, I could not wait to gratify my eye-sight, and pushed her back on the sofa. — “There is more room on the bed,” said she.
On the bed we got both naked — and with slower pace, and with more gradual pleasure, I fucked Maria. — She spent with me, I don’t think her sister did. — “Yes” — said Maria. — “I never enjoy a fuck at any-time as I do an hour after luncheon, Antonia does not, but my sister Francesca likes it after luncheon as I do. If the Signor permits may I smoke?”
“Your sister Francesca — have you another sister here?” said I, astonished. — It was true. The girl told me that she had two sisters in the house, and all gay. “Would I see her sister?” in dalliance with her I thought of her suggestion but resolved not — washed my prick (— the lady in this case washing her cunt at the same time) and thinking, thinking as I washed, “What, another sister! — I want to get back to my hotel. No, I’ll have her another time” — and I dressed, but still thinking, and desiring to see the other, to compare her with the two, to know if what she said were true or not, for I doubted it, — and at last carried by desire which overruled my wise intention, and with hat on ready to go, I sat down. “Well, ask Francesca to come.”
Laughing, up Maria got, and called out at the door. The baud came in smiling. “Francesca is out, has gone for a promenade.” — “Non credo,” said I. — Maria has not two other sisters here.” — But both women protested that it was true. She would be in soon, at supper time certainly, would I call and see her then — saying perhaps I would, but not believing the history, I departed.
After dinner I sat meditating on the days amusements, on the family likeness of the two, in form, eyes and even in thighs and cunt. Then, doubting my observations, made under the impetuous, bewildering impulse of lust, for the fresh and lovely women, seen by me for the first time, I began to doubt their being sisters, and the evidence of my own eyes. Then I thought of the third, whom I had not seen. Was she like the others — had she the family likeness in face and cunt. P’shaw, a baud’s lie — a bait to draw me, — but what matters if it be — they were a lovely couple and how much alike — tho different in the manner when copulating. So ran my thoughts, as in the warm evening I sat smoking a cigar, till my prick stood, at the recollection of its treat in the two dark haired cunts. Then eager with fresh desire, I hailed a vettura, and in seven minutes was at the woman’s rooms.
The old woman opened the door, smiled, and I dare say expected me, accustomed to the results of her baiting. What lady did I wish. — “Francesca,” the sister of the two others — if she were a sister. — “Yes, certainly she is sister of Signorini Antonia and Maria,” — I was in a strange room with bed and sofa, and waited expectantly for about five minutes, then in walked a lady taller than the other two but with a distinct family dress affording the same facilities for sexual frolics. She sat down on the sofa. In a minute I felt her cunt, then on my suggestion she stripped as did I — I saw she was an exquisite creature, and kissed her lovely flesh all over.
There were but two wax lights in the room, quite enough for that sweltering night, but a feeble light, and difficult by it to see the region of love in its dark hairy surroundings. Delicately I asked her if she would let me see closer “certemente,” said she. Then conveniently placing herself to aid me, pleased almost in so favouring me, with candle in hand I saw an adorable crimson slit, with its dark brown thicket. I held the lips open, and gratified my eyesight, till tumultuous throbs in my stiff penis told me that it was impatient for its turn of enjoyment.
A minute afterwards, it was sheathed in her fleshy scabbard, and left it only a poor, shrinking, but con-tented shadow of its former self, after it had been full ten minutes within the lady’s cunt. I had lain on her that time, with my sweat trickling over her lovely body, for it was a hot night, and I was full of good food and wine, and was heated. She seemed as cool as a cucumber.
She washed it, and I saw again the opening to the road, in which I had had such a glorious ride. Saw, or fancied I saw, a likeness to those of her sisters. Again I stretched her thighs apart to receive mine, again my penis distended her cunt, again I spurted my spermatic liquor up her, and happy in my day’s work, went back to my hotel, with my imagination inflamed to a conflagration of lust, when I thought of the three sweet creatures whose pleasures I had tasted. Thinking kept me awake nearly all night, tired as I was with heat and fucking.
Next day I went about sightseeing, thinking I was satisfied, and reposed most of the day. But my prick stood at intervals, for I had done nothing materially to fatigue my genitals the day before, and before that had been continent for days. Next day I awakened with a standing cock — how restless I felt — how my thought turned to the trio of damsels, as I passed in my mind the sensations I had had as I passed my body into each of them.
After breakfast my longing increased, I eyed every lady at the tables at the hotel, wondering what sort of form, what sort of cunt she had, if she had been fucked that night, and so on through a variety of baudy possibilities, till able to restrain myself no longer, I went to the house of the three Paphians — it was about 11 o’clock a.m.
Signorina Antonia was within, the others had gone to mass, said the woman. I could wait if I liked. They had friends with them I hazarded. — “Not so,” she re-plied — they would breakfast at midday. — “Say I will come at one o’clock.” Back to the hotel I went, and fed in lustful agitation, for I had made up my mind to see all three together, tho their price was high, extravagantly high for Italy, and much more than at the time I could afford. — But I had thought over them so much, had laid out such intentions of lascivious delight, that come what might, cost what it might, I determined to see them all together. Three sisters, my God, and I had fucked them all — when should I have a chance like that again. I longed to compare them together, al-most to fuck them all at once.
At the hour I had named, there was I alone in a large handsome bed- room, but on the sunny side of the house, the blinds and shutters closed, that the room was al-most dark. A quarter of an hour passed, no one appeared, so I rang a bell, and in soon after came one. — “Where is your sister?” — “You want her with me?” “Yes, cara mia — and Francesca also.” — “Ah Dio. All of us, all three?” — “E certamente.” — And after a little delay, all three were with me, and all smoking cigarettes.
“But I can’t see here — open the shutters” — “e troppo caldo Signor.” — I did not care, I insisted — I had come to see, specially to see the three graces — to examine, to compare, to see if they were sisters or not. — After much trouble, I got one of the rooms I had had before, smaller it is true, but where with blinds up, I had all the brilliant light of day and no sun, and then my pleasure began.
I can scarcely describe the voluptuous joys I had for some hours. I had some good Chianti sent in, then other wine. They had fed, so had I, the lust of all of us was coursing through our veins, and I believe that all I did gave those three beauties voluptuous pleasure. We sat smoking and drinking nearly naked. I talked in my indifferent Italian to their great amusement — and played all manner of tricks with them all. Never has my imagination prompted more lascivious tricks than I played.
It would take too much time to tell of half of the erotic tricks I played with them all. What I did with one, I did with the others, or something like it, but each had my attentions in their turn.
How strange is lust or love. In all countries the harlot is the same. All nationalities use the same incitements. In all parts of the world I have found it so. Black or white, in hot or cold countries, all play with the male, and the male with the female in the same manner; and I believe, if we could get at the fact, that married, and what are called chaste women, do the same with their husbands. That all men, with all women, in fact do the same, for they all have pricks or cunts, and prick and cunt are mutually provocative of each other to sensual play, before they kill their lust for the time, in each other’s arms by fucking. Variety and range depend on the sense of beauty, which one or both of them possesses, and on their natural salacity, for there are certainly cold-arsed, if there are hot-arsed women — and equally so — men, who seldom want a woman, nor think of them till they do; whilst others are thinking of women always, during every unoccupied moment of thought.
I have had, many times, sisters. Both those who were not gay, and those who were — I half think that a girl fucked illicitly, as it is wrongly called, delights in stimulating her sister’s lust, till she has fucked like-wise. — I have heard “She is my sister — mia sorore — ma soeur, monsieur — oui vraiment — meine schwester” — and the same in half a dozen tongues — but this is the only time as yet that I have had three sisters. And sisters they unmistakably were. — Face, form, and cunt, showed they all came out of the same womb, and I think the same prick begot them.
I waited three days after that debauch, exhausted; for I fucked all three, and in a state of furious lewedness, licked the cunts of all three. My prick went into all their mouths, and I finished the orgy by spending in Francesca’s mouth, whilst I licked Maria’s cunt, and felt Antonia’s, as she stood by the bedside witnessing the other operations. I think I spent six or seven times. The letch came over me again, and I went there, and did the same tricks again, and then from circumstances was obliged to leave the city. Which was fortunate.