Sarah suggests a juvenile. • My indifference. • She impecunious. • My fears. • She allays them. • I consent. • Fair haired Lizzie. • “Don’t call me aunt.” • Smitten. Sarah advises Lizzie. • Ad-vises me. • Sarah stroked. • Lizzie peeps. • Lewed frolics. • Stockings and boots again. • Sarah in bed with Lizzie, stockings put on and legs felt. • Garters and cunt. • A silk dress bait. • Hooked. • Pudenda exhibited. • Simultaneous masturbations and gamahuching. • My sudden letch. • Lizzie a witness.
Sometime after and in the spring, I went to Sarah’s lodgings. Most of my erotic frolics there had taken place in the months in which it was dark at half past five or six. Sarah asked point blank, “Would you like another young one.” My letch for young ones was satisfied, and I said I did not care about it. — When next I saw her she reverted to the subject. If she were virgin I would not mind, I replied. Sarah would try. — Then I thought of the cost. I could only give ten pounds, and must see the young lady’s cunt before I fucked her. Sarah refused angrily and the subject again dropped. — Afterwards meeting her on her beat one night, we had a chat. She spoke of the trouble of finding the proper sort of lass, and so on. — Was it not worth fifteen pounds? “Perhaps,” but she was to recollect that every time I saw those little ladies’ cunts after their first fucking, I paid two sovereigns, that they cost money besides, and were very expensive.
Sarah was hard up and asked me to give her a sovereign, which I freely did, and don’t recollect her ever asking me for money before. She remarked that I did not see her so much as formerly (which was true, for I kept to my home and also because I had been abroad). She missed me much, she said. A night or two after I met her, and she said she would try to get a girl for ten pounds, hoping if I was pleased I would make it more. She asked me to give her another pound. “I think I know of one — but must go to fetch her if I get her.” She refused explanation and I gave the sovereign.
A week or two passed away, and I had no women gay or strange, for it was the London season and all of us were in town. Then I met Sarah in the street, and went to a baudy house with her. “I wonder I have not seen you. I have got one, come as soon as you can and see if you’ll have her. — She’s a nice girl fifteen years old — quite fair, quite light haired, blue eyes, and oh! so plump.” “I can’t bear fair haired girls.” Which was true. “What does the colour matter, you can’t expect all you want for ten pounds, and you never said anything about colour. I am sure she is a virgin.”
“Have you been feeling and looking? You like a young girl to sleep with.” Sarah laughed, said a young girl amused her, but, “If you don’t like her, give me another sovereign and she shall go back, but you won’t have such a chance again, and she has neither father or mother.” At last I arranged to go, but said I hated light hair, and certainly wouldn’t have her unless I saw a virginity.
Sarah was annoyed — “I’ve taken the trouble, but give me another pound to get rid of her.” She should know better another time. Then not caring about the girl from her description, I gave her the pound. She took it saying, “I must try to make something out of her.” — She was sulky, and would not play any lascivious pranks with me, was in a hurry, must make money, she was hard up — she always stopped three times as long with me as with any one else, she said. “Where are your silk stockings?” I asked. “Pawned.” She owed rent and couldn’t starve.
Perhaps I would go and see her, I said. “The sooner the better,” — for she was not going to be fooled. In such a sulky nasty temper, I had never seen her before. I didn’t like parting so, so took her into a public, and gave her grog. — There we talked about the virgin, and the subject grew more interesting to me.
I should not have such a chance again, had she not been hard up she would not have taken the trouble, but she’d known me a long time, and had never asked me for a present. — She might have expected I would have given her a flimsy now that she was in trouble, and now I only offered her ten pounds, when before I’d given her fifteen. No I shouldn’t see the girl, for some-thing had just come into her head — I’d had the offer, and now some one else should. I blazed up directly I thought some other man would have her, I couldn’t bear it, and said I’d have her. The more I said I would, the more she said I shouldn’t. — But it ended in my promising to pay handsomely, if the girl was virgin and prepossessing. “How about shewing her cunt?” Sarah would arrange. Drink would not do, for she couldn’t bear the taste of spirits. “If you like her, you must not mind money. — She hasn’t a rag to her back — give her clothes — I have told her friends I will get her a situation, and they think I’m married — I’ll soon tell her I am a gay woman, and we will have as with Harriet baudy larks before her. I’ll talk her into it. — You say you’re a doctor, you act that well, and it will all come right. — She calls me her aunt, but I am not.” — “But if she gets riotous.” “She can’t read or write, and doesn’t know the name of my street or any part of London, what can she do? — She could only run away.” “Suppose she went to a policeman.” “I should say I’d turned her out for stealing.” Good, kind aunt. [If she were her aunt which I sometimes thought, altho I never knew.]
I was to go at the girl at once, for Sarah must get money somehow. — I was before the girl to begin with Sarah all imaginable lasciviousness. — I got so excited talking about it that I said, “I’ll have her.” I’ll have her, yet I didn’t seem to care much about the affair. She will be no fuck worth spending money for. A little hairless cunt, tho a novelty, is not a great one to me. I hate door mat colour haired girls, and fifteen pounds will be thirty-five soon. But as I’d now given my word I would see the girl, and give Sarah three pounds and cut the affair if I didn’t like her. — Thus I thought. But a little cock stiffening came on and I thought — “quite light, flaxen hair; but has she any on her motte? — it’s long since I saw a very light haired virgin grummit” — and pondering on the various coloured quim hedges I have fucked, found myself at Sarah’s door the next night.
The street door was usually ajar, but on that night I had to ring — I heard a clattering of feet and the door opened. “Mrs. F**z*r within?” “Yes, sir.” There stood a girl, whom I could barely see in the faint light of a small candle, placed somewhere up the stairs. — Her feet made a row. — A clumsy country bitch, thought I, as I entered the room. But in a second, my cock stood at the sight of the maiden with the clumping boots.
She was very tall for her age, with a beautiful, light coloured hair, large bright blue eyes, and a pink fresh complexion — plump as if she had lived on the fat of the land, and with the strong healthy look which some peasant girls get on bacon and potatoes, and which a town girl of her class, fed on steaks and mutton, rarely gets. I should have guessed her turned sixteen, but for a young look in her eyes. — She wore deep black, and short petticoats, and had a perfectly modest look al-though she stared at me; turning away her eyes when mine met hers, and colouring up strongly. Well she might, for Sarah had already given her baudy instruction, had told her that I was one of the gentlemen who fucked her, but the only one that did so at her home — was a doctor and knew all about girls at sight. — A night’s sleeping with Sarah, who moreover had, I expect, well tickled her little cunt for her, was enough to make the girl stare at me.
I never liked females with quite light hair on either their heads or tails. Now my first thought was, what is the colour of her cunt fringe, is it short or long, thick or thin, or is there any? — I felt in a desperate state of lewdness. “Who is this?” “A country girl who is to be my maid.” “What is her name?” “Lizzie.” “Come here and give me a kiss” — her eyes opened wide. “Give the doctor a kiss.” “I shan’t.”
“Give me a kiss and here’s half a crown.” “I shan’t.” “Don’t — and putting the money in my pocket I turned to Sarah and talked. — Then laying hold of the girl suddenly, I snatched kiss after kiss whilst she struggled. — “There, I have had my kisses for nothing,” said I. The girl smoothed her hair, and her face was scarlet, but she didn’t seem so much offended. A kiss from a gentleman is always gratifying to that class. “Here is the half crown.” She never looked at me, but advised by Sarah and holding out her hand, she took it.
I turned to Sarah. We were then both facing the girl who had sat down and was working — (the other little servants had always been kept working). “How is your cunt, Sarah, black as ever?” and I put my hand up her clothes. “Let’s feel it, Sally.”
Lizzie looked up — then with a start stood up. “Oh my oh! — aunt!” said she, and sat down again. Sarah took no notice of her. “All right, my cunt’s as tight as ever, Doctor. Hoh, look there, — look —your prick will come through your trousers.” I felt Sarah’s quim, and whilst my hand was moving over her belly, she unbuttoned my trowsers and pulled out my prick. “Oh isn’t it stiff, what’s made you so lewd all in a minute?”
“Thinking of Lizzie’s cunt, I suppose. I’ve been longing to put my prick up her from the minute I saw her.” “Oh Doctor you are a man.” Lizzie, whose head had bent more and more closely over her work, but whose eyes I could see had been glancing at my doodle and my doings, dropped her work and went out of the room.
“We have scared her, we are going too fast.” She went after her, told the girl not to mind, it was my way, and the way of many men. — Soon back she came to the room with Sarah.
I sent her out for liquor, and gave her the change. — I am an old stager — money will open every female’s legs. — She wouldn’t drink. Then I sent her out for wine which she said she had never heard of. Tasting it, she spat it out. As she got the change a second time, she looked at Sarah and hesitated. “It’s for you, the Doctor is always kind.” The girl smiled sweetly as she took it and thanked me.
I wondered at the length of time the girl had been gone. — Sarah said she had changed her public house. Other girls had gone to one close by, which was also known to her former charwoman, so she thought it safer to send Lizzie to the adjoining street, and had that morning shewn her the way. I was now dying for the girl. — “Unless I first see her cunt I won’t pay virgin price.” “Have patience for a day or two, and give her clothes. — She is like the rest of the girls mad for fine dress. — If she sees what we do, it will break her in, but we mustn’t go too fast, tho I want the money bad enough God knows.” — For some time past I had thought Mr. F*** (her man) and Sarah were not one, so put the question. — Sarah angrily told me to mind my own business. “He’s more likely to take than to give me money now, but that’s my affair.”
There was no chance of the lass yet, so thought I’d have Sarah, asked her to the big sofa, laid her down there, and chaffing baudily pulled her clothes up above her knees. — There sat the girl working, and glancing every moment at us. — Sarah told her to pour out a glass of wine and bring it to me. Whilst doing so, I pulled Sarah’s petticoats up to her navel, she had disposed her limbs so as to show her cunt off to advantage, but in a sham modest manner. — “Oh! no Doc-tor, I can’t before Lizzie,” and she made a movement of putting her clothes down.
“Oh my, Surr, doan’t,” said the girl springing for-wards and trying to pull the clothes down. She spoke in a country dialect. “Oi — moi — Surr, doan’t — it’s a shame, it be.”
I pulled them up again. Sarah never succeeded nor intended to succeed in hiding her cunt. I pulled out my prick saying I’d fuck her. The girl desisted, saying, “Oh moi, — well Surr — Surely — Oh! well” —looking alternately at Sarah’s belly and at my prick. “I can’t before Liz, for she will be wanting it done to her — come to the bed.” I walked to her bedroom leaving Sarah in the sitting room.
She did not come directly so I called to her. She came, then began to strip, and whispered, “I have told her if she never saw a man poke a woman to come to the door and peep at us.” The door was left ajar — two candles she put on a wash stand so as to show a strong light. When stripped, Sarah placed her-self so as to expose her cunt. — I felt it, titillated it, opened it, and held the light to it. She felt my prick, kissed it, fondled it, and put it into her mouth. I put her on the top of me, and she put my prick up her cunt. There was her backside and my balls beneath it, with-in five feet of a pair of candles, and a pair of young eyes were a few feet off. — We put ourselves into other baudy attitudes and at length fucked (I on the top), with noisy demonstrations of pleasure. It added to my pleasure to know the lass was looking, and believe it did to Sarah’s. [I have since more fully experienced with a lady the increased voluptuousness of knowing we were looked at during our embraces.]
“She’s seen — I saw the door move,” said Sarah. “If she doesn’t frig herself tonight, she has not got a clitoris or a spend in her.” “I bet you’ll frig her, Sally.” “I mean.” “You like doing it I know.” “I like teaching a young one, some one must.”
We went back to the parlour. There the girl sat demurely but nervously at work. Before, she had looked me full in the eyes, but now when I spoke she coloured up, looked down, and seemed in a state of confusion. — There was a guilty consciousness about her, a concupiscent modesty which charmed — her confusion de-lighted me — I admired her face more than ever as she blushed, and as I thought that her little eyes had been within a few feet of my prick, when fucking Sarah, I could have pulled her on to the sofa and ravished her there and then; so much did I desire her.
I recollected that nearly all the young girls I have had liked shrub; so she fetched some, tasted it, and spit that out — I asked what she liked, named fifty liquors and among them cider. Yes, she liked cider. That piss making liquor I knew wouldn’t answer. What was it she drank for dinner. “Beer sometimes sir, but mostly I drinks water.” “Did she like beer.” “No.” “You don’t like anything.” “Yes I do sir, I likes good ale.” — Ale — I thought little or no chance of making her mussy on that. “Do you like it bitter.” “No Surr, likes it sweet, what they sells in bottles, I had some on my birthday.”
Sarah and I talked again, and then the girl bent over her work more closely, — “Let’s look at your legs again, Sally.” She was now sitting in the easy chair. Without a word, she pulled up her clothes to her knees. “You want another pair of silks,” and I slipped my hand higher up. — The girl from time to time was glancing at us, but in a nervous, agitated manner. I saw that she couldn’t sit still, whereas she had been so calm at first. — Was her little cunt heated?
I went to her, “You have got four shillings — give me a kiss and I’ll give you another.” “No.” “Let him,” said Sarah. “Get money when you can, that’s my motto.” Tho she slightly resisted me I took half a dozen. — “That’s right,” said Sarah.
“How much have you got now.” The girl took the money out of her pocket, counted it, and smiling said, “Five shillings.” — She had a lovely smile as she told me and then looked into her open hand admiringly at the money. “Did you ever have so much at once before?” “Never.” “What shall you do with it?” She looked at Sarah, then at me, then at the money. — “I think I shall buy a pair of gloves.” We both laughed at that, and she looked annoyed. “Why gloves?” “Cause I ain’t never had a pair.” I knew a girl who had exactly the same desire, but don’t recollect if I have told about her or not.
I told her to pour me out a glass of wine, and when she was close by Sarah, I asked, “Has she got nice fat legs?” — “Oh so nice, she is nicely made.” “Let’s see, and I’ll give her a nice pair of new boots.” “There’s a bit of luck,” said Sarah — I laid hold of the girl and began gently to raise her clothes. “Don’t be a fool, let him, and he will give you a pair of boots.” The girl resisted, but I could see half way up her legs. “Yes I will, and a nice pair, if she lets me see her legs now, and put the boots on when she has them.”
The girl’s resistance grew less, tho she kept struggling and saying, “No, — oh my — I can’t,” and so on. — But Sarah pulled her on to her lap, and with one arm round her slender waist lifted the clothes with the other. — There were the nice little legs exposed, between the legs of Sarah equally exposed. — How could the girl resist, when her mistress’ clothes were nearly up to her belly?
The girl’s legs were proportionally fatter than her body — many country girls are so thro walking. — I admired them and smoothed her limbs down, praising them, and saying that I should like to see them in bet-ter stockings. She flattered, now stood quite still. She gartered below knee. Winking at Sarah, suddenly I put one hand higher up, and my fingers just on to her cunt. — She got clear off and burst into tears. — How delicious was that feel of her cunt, altho on the outside only, and but for a second. The first feel of a fresh girl is exquisite in its novelty, and what luscious thoughts she has afterwards about it.
Sarah angrily. — “It’s too bad, doctor, why you have only seen her tonight — I am quite jealous.” She caressed the girl. “I can’t help it, look here” — and out makes me so, I’d give her a silk dress to look at her cunt as I look at yours, and other things as well if she’d let me fuck her.” “Hish! Hish!” said Sarah in a wide, looking at my prick and at me. Her ears seemed to move as I repeated my offer. Then she went untold out of the room.
“Don’t go further tonight,” said Sarah. I supposed she was right and did not, but the little devil had fetched my lust up awfully — so I laid Sarah then and there down on the sofa, and whilst I was fucking, Lizzie opened the door, but quickly retired and held the door ajar and peeped, so Sarah told me.
I gave Sarah money to buy the boots. It was under-stood that I was to put them on — Lizzie showed me down stairs. Sarah gave us injunctions to be quiet, for there were strange lodgers below. She held a candle over the banisters when the door was opened. — “Give me your hand,” said I in a whisper, “and here’s an-other shilling.” “Now your hand again.” She gave it, and I put it on to my prick which was not stiff. “Oh sir,” she cried and pulled it away. Then into the street I went laughing. — The girl knew it was my prick, she had touched it altho she could not see it. I had made rapid progress.
Next day, Sarah told me she had questioned her about the money and the girl counted it. — She would buy two pairs of gloves. Then the boots and stockings. She wished it was the day to go to buy them. “Mind he is to put them on.” “Does he mean that? Then he’ll see my legs.” “He saw every thing last night. Didn’t he?” “Oh! my, yes.” “And he put his fingers on your cunt, didn’t he?” “Oh, my, yes.” Said Lizzie after a while, “But I won’t let him put on the garters.” “Then he won’t give them you.” “But they will be of no use to him.” “He will burn them sooner than let you have them.” “Then I must, I suppose.” “Of course, ain’t you lucky to get them? I never knew such luck — he seems to take quite a fancy to you, he’ll give you other things if you don’t make a fuss; let him do what he likes if you get money.”
Thinking of Sarah’s doings, said Liz, — “Do you often do like that” (fucking). “Nearly every night.” “You don’t seem to mind it.” “I love it, and no girl knows what pleasure is till a prick has been up her cunt — did you see his prick, Liz.” “Oh, yes — don’t it hurt?” “Never, you can’t tell what pleasure is till you try. Soon you’ll fuck, Lizzie.” — All this Sarah marrated to me with very much gratification, evidently she liked teaching the young ones.
Then I got out of Sarah with a little hesitation that she’d felt Lizzie’s cunt, but I never knew until later that she had done more; that she had cuddled her, just to show her how men got on to women — had put her on the top, and had had a game of flat fucking, to Sarah’s delight no doubt, but of the pleasure that Lizzie had helped her to, the girl was profoundly ignorant, even when she told me about it at a later day.
After having talked over all the girl had seen and heard, Lizzie said, “Did you hear what he said about a dress.” “No,” said Sarah altho she had. “What?” “He said he’d give me a dress.” “Oh, so he did.” “Did he mean it?” “He always does what he says.” — Sarah was soon going to sleep when the girl re-marked, “He said a silk dress, that costs a lot of money. Do you think he meant that?” “Oh, certainly, but did he not say you must let him do something?” “Yes.” “What?” The girl was silent. “What?” “Let him look at my thing — Ah! he’s dirty.” “All men like to look at girls’ things — you let him.” — “That I won’t.” “Just as you like, did you see him look at mine?” “Oh my, yes.” “Do you like silk?” “Oh my, yes, it’s so shiny. I used to stand outside the church and look at the ladies, and knew I would never have silk.” “You can if you don’t make a fuss about shewing your cunt.”
At day light the girl awakened Sarah, and her first words were, “Are the shops open early, when will you take me to buy the boots?” “Not for hours, besides unless you promise me to let him put them on, it’s of no use buying them, I can’t offend him” — and Sarah went to sleep again.
Later on — “Shall you buy the boots before break-fast?” “Of course not. Shall you let him?” “You don’t seem to think it any harm?” “Harm! you must be a fool.” “Well, I will if you’ll be in the room.” “He mayn’t like it.” The boots and stockings were bought.
The girl’s freshness had stirred my lust to its depths. —The gift of boots and stockings was I knew a sure beginning. I have done the same a dozen times with women successfully. A poor girl can’t refuse them even with my conditions. — Then their legs once shown and handled, the second feeling and handling seems nothing — I knew well also the use of handsome garters — I began my baudy acquaintance with several girls by the aid of garters. I now bought a blazing red silk pair with large gilt buckles. — “She’ll let you, but if she cries leave off, she is awfully timid, and anxious to get the dress, but her fears unsettle her. — The silk dress is the fetch, she’d like it without showing you her cunt, but it will settle her, she’ll shew it.”
The girl came in. Sarah again pulled up her own clothes to her garters, and then to her cunt, pulled up her stockings and tied her garters as an example. Then turning to Lizzie, I said, “Where are your stockings and boots? I’ll put them on.” The girl coloured up and hesitated. “Fetch them,” said Sarah. The girl brought them, they were in a bundle. A kiss she resisted but little, another and another kiss followed. Sarah remarked, “You make me quite jealous, Doc-tor.” — “Let me put them on.” Lizzie looked at me, then at Sarah, then sat down on the sofa and tucking her clothes between her legs, began to pull off her clumping boots.
I brought the lamp near, and helped to pull off her boots and old darned blue stockings. Her feet were washed and white, and I kissed and praised them. — Her garters were tied low down. I pushed on the new stocking, till at her knee, there she resisted. — “No, sir, oh no — I ties my garters there, always below my knees” — (many poor girls do.) “How can a pretty leg look well, with garters there.” “I won’t let you higher.” “Well you don’t make a fool of me again,” and with a sudden pull, I drew the stocking clean off her leg, and put it on the table. “If you don’t. let me I’ll burn them.”
Tears rose to her eyes. She looked at Sarah, but Sarah said not a word. — “Let me garter then higher.” Again I began putting on the stocking, and this time half way up her thighs. Then, I put on the old garter and gave a kiss on her naked thigh. Then the same with the other leg.
I put on the boot, and hugged the neat little leg, knelt in front of her, pushing the boot on so to speak, and with such force that she fell back on the sofa, and I had a glimpse up her thighs — one leg was complete. “Let me see that leg now. — No higher, I must see well above the garter.” How handsome the little leg now looked compared with it in clod hoppers and woollen stockings. At each succeeding act, the girl in her de-light let me do more. She giggled with vanity. — There was the other boot. “Oh make haste,” said she (it was the Louise of my youth over again, excepting that Louise was half groggy and twenty years old, this one sober and fifteen — but how alike in vanity).
I had stiffened. “Look what your dear little legs have done” — and out I pulled my cock. “Oh sir, oh do put the other boot on, let me put it on myself.” — They are all alike.
She took no heed of my prick, her sole desire was to get the boots quickly on — I gave it her, sitting back on my heels on the floor, and contemplating as she tugged and tugged it on and then buttoned it shewing to her knees heedlessly now in her vanity.
She asked her mistress when both were on to see them. Sarah said they looked charming. — The girl having now got them on, would only lift her clothes to her knees — said Sarah — “Do what you promised — he must see above the stockings.” — Pulling out the garters, I said, “I’ll give you these.” — How the girl’s eyes glistened. “And let me see higher, I shall feel your little thighs whilst I clasp these pretty garters round them, or I won’t give them you.”
She sat down, never seemed to notice my prick, which I still kept out to affect her imagination and satisfy my own lust,. It was so delightful to keep my prick under the eyes of the pretty young creature. — She eyed only the garters. — “Let him,” said Sarah — I dropped on my knees, pushed up the petticoats, undid an old garter and clasped the new one round her thigh; then suddenly seizing both legs, I pulled her forward, hoisted high up her legs as she fell back, and pushing my head under her clothes, my nose came on to her motte, and the moisture of her cunt was on my lips. — I kissed and kissed it and slipped my hands up under her bum, she cried out loudly, Sarah laughing. “Oh, Doctor, you shouldn’t unless she lets you.” It was a comedy.
“I have kissed her cunt, and will give her a silk dress to let me look at it as I do at yours.” — “Give me a silk dress and you may fuck mine for a month,” said Sarah. She had still only one garter on. “Let me put on the other.” She looked at it sulkily. “I shan’t — there.”
I dangled it before her eyes chaffing her. “It’s a dear little cunt, is the hair the colour of your head, tell me? There’s hair on it, isn’t there. Tell me.” — She silent, kept looking at the garter. The play and chaff was exquisitely voluptuous to me.
Again approaching her she ran close to Sarah. “Oh don’t — don’t let him, aunt.” — “I’m not your aunt, don’t call me so again, if you do again I’ll” — and there she stopped, and immediately changed to a coaxing tone. “Let him, what’s the use of one garter.” But she would not, so I gave the other garter to Sarah. “Show us your cunt, Sarah, and let’s fuck it.” Up went Sarah’s clothes, and after a little dalliance we went into the bed room and I fucked her. — The door again was left ajar to let the girl peep, and she did. Then I gave Liz the other garter.
“You shall walk out in the boots,” said I when I was back in the sitting room, my lust appeased. — I sent her out for ale, but could not get her to drink any. — he had forgiven what I had done. It was amusing to see her every now and then looking down at her feet. She no longer resisted kisses, but show her legs and stockings again she would not. Sarah at times lifted the girl’s clothes and shewed them to me. — “You are getting on fast,” said Sarah, when I had sent the girl out again for soda water. “I can see she likes your kissing. I wish you’d had her, for those girls in the rooms below are always about the stairs, and I think listening” —(alluding to a family which had taken rooms below hers). “I shall complain to the landlord, he always objected to lodgers with more than one child.”
Next night I could not go there. Sarah met me in the street. The silk dress the girl had spoken about, but never about the conditions. — Sarah reminded her. “He really did mean he would give it me, didn’t he?” “Yes, but he was to look at your cunt.” “I can’t — can I?” —it came to at last. “You can, nobody will know, I don’t see harm.” “But would he give me a dress for that?” An hour afterwards, — “Black silk isn’t pretty is it, I am in black,” — “I wear black,” said Sarah, “you needn’t, no one here knows you.” The girl was already demoralised — the conversation heard, the sights seen would have upset any virgin. Then night and day was a woman with all her harlot’s cunning, whetting the girl’s appetite for sexual pleasure, stimulating her lust and vanity, and showing her how she could get voluptuous enjoyments and fine dress together, without work — many women like doing this to young ones, I know.
I saw some pretty cheap silks, and bought a dress, black with little yellow dots on it — I saw Scotch ale stores written up, so bought two big bottles of strong sweet Scotch ale. Putting all into a handbag, at night I went there, told Sarah, who advised trying the effect that night, that the dress would do it. Lizzie had been so talked to about the folly of refusing such a simple thing as shewing her cunt that the girl had laughed herself at last at her weakness. Yet she had not said she would consent.
Sarah’s behaviour, I noticed, was so different from that to the two other girls she had got me. She half bullied those — this one she led on, so that she asked Sarah what she should do; and Sarah, always at first telling her to do as she liked, ended by advising her to submit.
Instead of giving the girl the change this night I put it into my pocket, and she looked disappointed. — Sarah left the room and I took Lizzie in my arms as I sat on a chair. — “Don’t, Sir, doan’t,” said she, but now quietly, and she took kisses kindly. — “How do you like your boots.” “Oh very much.” “Let me see them, sit on my knee.” — She did, I lifted at first the clothes a little, then higher, then up went my hand to her garter. — “No don’t, sir.” — But I pulled her closer to me, and pushing the hand up on to her naked bum, held her quite close to me by it. “Oh don’t — oh Missus.” “Don’t make a noise, love, let me feel your dear little bum, now. There, it won’t hurt and I’ll give half a crown. I won’t move my hand, I won’t try to feel your cunt.”
She wriggled, but I kept my hand on her bum —a smooth, firm, plump one. “Here’s the money — but you shan’t have it if you don’t stand still.” — She quieted. “You’re very rude, Sir.” My hand kept roving over the deliciously smooth flesh — I could scarcely prevent myself from slipping it round to her motte, but had given my word so did not. — “Here’s Missus coming, let me go.” “Let me see your sweet little cunt, there is a darling — and I will give you a silk dress.” “Oh no, oh let me go.”
Sarah kept out of the room, knowing that just then I should get on better by myself. I told Liz to call her. “She says she won’t be long, but she must do some-thing to a dress to night,” said the girl returning.
Then I reminded her I had seen her legs, had kissed her cunt, that she had seen my cock — I pulled it out and went up to her trying to make her feel it. Saying, “I can’t bear this,” she bolted to her mistress’ room, I after her.
“Lizzie’s been feeling my prick,” said I. “Oh, Sir — I ain’t.” Sarah laughed. “Why didn’t you?” and coming to me and catching hold of my tool, Sarah gave it a shake. “I like the feel of it, but don’t feel it, if you don’t like. — Doctor, can’t you get girls enough to feel your prick.” “Oh plenty, but I long to have Lizzie’s little hand round it.”
“I have some Scotch ale for Liz,” said Sarah. “Isn’t it kind of him to think of you.” — The girl smiled, the ale was delicious, she liked it and soon had drunk a tumbler full. We all had some. Another bottle was opened — another tumbler, the girl gulped down a third glass. “No thankee, Sir — it’s oop in my head, and with moore I’ll be mopsy,” — nothing induced her. “Ohno, I’m getting wusser.” The ale had done much, had made her laugh and excitable, but how far it acted on her cunt and lust, I don’t know. After kissing, pinching her bum, and looking at her garters which she now allowed, Sarah winking, brought in the lamp, lighted two candles, and then, “I have a silk dress for you.” Her hands and arms flew out as she said, “No, oh,” and when I produced it she clapped her hands and danced with joy. — “For me — for me? Hoh.”
“Yes, if you let me feel and see your cunt.” Her face fell, looking at the silk all the while. “I told you the doctor always did what he said — don’t cry, you needn’t if you don’t like,” said Sarah.
The girl with eyes fixed on the silk, rubbed a dirty rim round her eyes into which tears came. “I wish you would give me the silk, you might look at my cunt, and fuck it for a month.” “Let’s look at yours then.” — Sarah flung herself back on the bed, pulled up her clothes, and opened wide her thighs. —The girl laughed now at that exhibition, she’d been shocked three nights before.
“That’s what I want you to do, my little darling, if you won’t, I’ll give the silk to some one else.” — I began to fold it up, it had been spread over the bed, and then to put it into my bag.
“Don’t take it away,” said Sarah. “Liz would look beautiful in it — perhaps she’ll let you. — Don’t you lose it.” And she went close to the girl, who made an impatient gesture but never spoke. She whispered something to her — but the girl still stood mute, reflecting.
“Doctor — go and have a smoke, but leave it here — it is so beautiful — I am sure she won’t lose such a chance, it must be worth five pounds.” “It’s worth more, but I must go soon” — and I went into the sitting room and lighted a cigar. But soon Sarah called me, she had persuaded her, had made her wash her cunt, and put on a clean chemise. “She will let you,” said she. The girl was standing with her back to the bed —the candles and lamp were on the wash-hand stand fronting her, her eyes were downcast. I put my hand up her clothes, and felt the slightest quantity of hair on her motte. “Lie back, darling, open your legs.” I lifted her up and pushed her backwards on the bed. — “Oh don’t — I won’t if you go, aunt — stay with me,” said the girl to Sarah who was leaving the room.
Sarah sat by the side of her on the bed. “Lay down then — there —so — there.” — The girl fell back again unresisting.
I threw up her chemise, pulled wide apart her thighs. Sarah had undressed, placed one arm over her, laying by her side on the bed in her chemise, exhorting her. “Let him. — How I wish I was going to have that dress.” Wincing but yielding the girl lay quiet — I pushed up one thigh and held it so. Cunt, belly, and bum came well into view. — My lips kissed every part. Rapturously my fingers distended the little red division till it looked almost as broad as it was long — I knelt holding the candle. Again and again I opened and let the lips close, in such a state of voluptuous excitement that I could scarcely believe my eyes. There was an unmistakable virginity, set in as pretty a plump, smooth, frame of fleshy white and pink and indications of a coming fringe as ever man set eyes on.
I moved away a few feet putting down the candle. “Has he done,” said she. — “Be quiet,” said Sarah, who winked and nodded at me. — I went as I often do at such sights backwards and forwards — now seeing it near, now from afar, until I thought I’d ravish her. Sarah guessed my intentions, my eye meant mischief, and shook her head. She was frightened of a noise and the family below. “Those girls are there,” said she hurriedly and anxiously. So I dropped on my knees, again stretched open the little lips, kissing and inhaling the aroma of the pretty coral orifice. Then covering it with my mouth I began gamahuching.
She had laid quite quiet and perhaps lewedly gratified, listening to my praises and exclamations of de-light when pulling her little cunt about, but as my tongue titillated it —”Oh! what’s he adoin’ of.” — She moved. “Lie still, he’s not hurting you,” said Sarah, putting her arm closer over her, and keeping one leg apart from the other. “Oh, he’s alickin’ it — doan’t — it’s dirty — OHO — ahar.” “It will soon be nice, Liz — lay quiet dear,” said Sarah. — Lizzie’s last “Aha” had the sigh of pleasure mingling with it. Now she laid tranquil whilst in libidinous delight my tongue roved rapidly over the lovely little split. — Can I make her spend? One cunt was not enough. Whilst with my head between the young thighs, I could just see Sarah’s thighs and dark haired motte (for she had lifted her chemise) and that her middle finger was between them. In an instant, passing my left hand over Lizzie’s right leg which Sarah held, I buried my fingers in Sarah’s cunt, and went on gamahuching Lizzie. Sarah was frigging herself gently, the spectacle had roused her lust.
The passion ran its course and maddening lustful wishes chased each other through my brain. — I strove to follow each erotic inspiration. To gamahuche Liz. — Frig Sarah. — Fuck Liz —Frig myself. — Fuck Sarah — Suck her cunt. Each desire came in its turn — I wanted to do them all at once- but each before I could gratify it was chased away by another. — On I went licking Liz, holding her bum and left thigh with my right hand, my left hand fingers now buried deep up Sarah’s cunt. Liz sighed, her backside slightly moved. She will spend, the little darling. On I sucked and licked and sucked — I got up to frig myself, fell on my knees again, fascinated with the look of the two cunts and gamahuched on, and felt Sarah’s cunt. — All was silent. The sound of my tongue slopping and slipping over Liz’s cunt alone was audible. The little darling’s bum moved restlessly, then like lightning my tongue moved over her clitoris. A twist of her thighs, a slight shiver of belly, a slight heave up of backside, soft, al-most inaudible murmurs of pleasure told me her pleasure was
coming. Sarah, slightly rising and looking at me, said, “She’s spending.” “Ahar — o, har — no, arhar,” murmured Liz almost inaudibly, her belly shivered, her left thigh closed gently on me for an instant. “Aha — ahar” — a flush of salt moisture met my tongue. The sweet little lass had spent.
I rose up instantly. She lay with eyes closed, one leg now hanging down, the other held by Sarah — the pretty cunt was covered with moisture and slightly open, showing the coral gash. My prick was bursting. — Opening the lips more with my left hand, with my right I frigged myself, the tip almost touching her cunt. There lay Sarah frigging herself and staring at me. — “Hold open her cunt.” — Sarah put her fingers on Lizzie’s cunt lips, frigging herself at the same time. — Then quickly out gushed my sperm on to Lizzie’s vulva. The opaque masses, and the thinnish transparent gum covered it and Sarah’s fingers as well; and I dropped on a chair close at hand, and looked at the luscious picture before me, still twiddling my prick gently and voluptuously, bringing out the last drops of sperm from it.
Whilst so, Sarah’s fingers had covered Lizzie’s cunt, both of whose legs now hung down. — She frigged the girl with her left hand and her own cunt with her right hand. — “Ahar — my God — spunk — spunk,” she cried as her thighs for a moment quivered a little, and then dropped down lifelessly. — We two had frigged ourselves. Lizzie had spent under my gamahuching. — All were voluptuously satisfied and tranquil, silent as the grave.
Liz had spent — my spunk had jetted on to her little vulva — Sarah had finished her frig — all had spent nearly simultaneously. Now all three were in voluptuous repose. Motionless, excepting Sarah’s fingers which still played gently on Lizzie’s cunt, both the women’s eyes were closed, both their legs hanging down, side by side.
As I contemplated them lying there, thighs and bellies naked, cunts showing, a violent letch for Sarah suddenly sprang up — I rose. “I’ll fuck you, Sarah.” “No,” said she opening her eyes. But I pressed my belly against hers, hoisted up her thighs, and rubbed my half limp tool against her cunt. “No, no,” said she hanging. — But my prick had risen somewhat, stimulated by the lascivious frolics — I lunged it — it swelled — it stiffened — and before it had quite risen, I hit the mark, squeezed it in, and buried it to its roots in her cunt. — “No, no, not before the girl,” said she. I sup-pose it was a sham, but I’d got her tight, her thighs high up, my prick stiff in her. “Oh aunt,” said Liz getting off the bed and standing, her eyes fixed on Sarah’s belly. Sarah said no more but abandoned herself to me. — Ah! long long hard strokes I gave, but keeping tight hold of her, Sarah’s cunt soon heated by my thrusts helped me, and in ecstatic pleasure we finished our fuck, Lizzie silent and looking on. An unexpected deliciously voluptuous termination. What an unpremeditated, sudden letch, how many of my lewd delights have sprung suddenly upon me — and what complete sensuous gratification such sudden letches gives me.